Monday, May 13, 2024


 Saturday, April 6, 2024

The big day had arrived.

Toshi got home in time to change his clothes and help load the car with everything we needed to take to the church by ten a.m.

We had gone with a surfer theme. Our goddaughter, Tracy, had created the invitations, and her mother, Pat, created all the table decorations.

There were two cakes—one chocolate and one vanilla. Woodies and vans were in evidence.

Heather Taylor arrived shortly after we did. She created a photo booth with an ocean background that looked a lot like Doheny. She had also brought a printer, and her son, Eric, made prints for everyone who wanted them. (These were the “party favors” for our guests.)

Our caterer (Chef Freddie) arrived with his team to finish preparation of the lunch. And Pat and Bruce brought the centerpieces and helped arrange everything. (The church sexton had set up all the tables the evening before.)

Thank goodness Toshi was with us. We had brought a video of Larry through the years to show. There was a TV, but we didn’t know how to set it up. Thankfully, Toshi figured it out.

Silvia and Kim helped me pass out the colorful leis we had brought for everyone.

Chef Freddie set out a lovely salad bar, and at noon, everyone who had arrived was encouraged to help themselves. Freddie had assured us there would be plenty of food with some left over afterward. He was right!

Our guests entered, were greeted with leis,  and found seats.

Meanwhile, we plugged in the PA system, so we could make announcements.

By about twelve-thirty, most of the guests had arrived. Chef Freddie announced the menu, and his servers brought the food to the tables.  Lunch consisted of chicken breast (stuffed and non-), roasted vegetables, rice pilaf, mushroom gravy, and delicious fresh rolls and whipped butter. Yummy!

A few more people showed up during food service, and we had more than enough food for everyone plus large containers to take home. (We are still finishing off some of the chicken we had frozen.)

Next, we showed the video we had prepared.

Everyone enjoyed looking at all the old photos and Larry narrated part of it.

His oldest friend, Scott Campbell, had planned to surprise him by attending. However, a business trip interfered. He sent a letter, and Lorna read it. His account of a couple of incidents was slightly different than Larry’s recollection, so he had to clarify.

Several times during the party, we requested that people have their photos taken, and most did. Everyone seemed to have fun with the idea, and Eric made lots of prints for our guests to take home with them. (IF you were a guest and did not get yours, please let us know.)

I put some of the photos on a video for you to see:

I had asked Larry’s brother, Casey and his best friend, Bob Schwenck, to speak about Larry, and they both did a wonderful job.

Cake was served, followed by a toast (with sparkling apple juice).

Most everyone had a picture taken with Larry. All our kids took great pictures with him and each other. These will provide great memories of a terrific event.

Too soon, it was time to call it a day, and we bid our guests goodbye.

The whole day was a fitting tribute to a wonderful man, husband, father, and friend.


  1. Fun. Great description of the party.

    1. Hope you checked out the videos--particularly the one with all the photos. They are great!

    2. Lorna, you all knocked it out of the park for Larry’s big 80! Congrats to all. Love, Sheila

    3. It was a LOT of work, especially since we were in Japan the week before! But it was SO worth it!

  2. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, LARRY! Sounded like a Day to Remember! God bless and keep you.

    1. It was a great party. Hope you saw all the great photos.

  3. Honestly, I am a little envious that ya'll don't ever change. LOL

    Larry, wishing both of you many many more years. You are the sweetest people I know.

    Love, Debi

    1. Love you, too, Debi! When are y'all coming out here???

  4. Looks like all of your hard work paid off! A great celebration!

  5. Wow! You look great for 70 let alone 80. Congrats and many more.

    1. It was a really lovely day! Having three o our kids with us was the best gift.
