Friday, April 17, 2020

OOPS – Part VI – Final Installment

Continued from last week

Monday, March 2, 2020
We arrived at South County Orthopedic Center at 9:45 as directed. I checked in and completed all the paperwork. Then we waited for a while until my name was called. I was told to go into the restroom and change into a gown. They gave me a large plastic bag for my clothes. Getting out of my clothes without help was a bit of a challenge.

Larry waited outside. I handed him the bag and then exited through the door on the opposite side. A nurse met me and took me to a bed. She asked if I wanted Larry to join me.


He arrived a few moments later.

Strangely, I had absolutely no qualms about the surgery. I knew Dr. Moskow and trusted him completely.

The nurse tried to remove my wedding rings. I haven’t had them off since I had them repaired in 2001! She tried lubricant and pulled hard, but I knew they wouldn’t go over my joint. Sure enough…

So, she put tape over them.

Then another nurse got me ready. She put the IV into my left hand.

Then the anesthesiologist arrived. He told me he was going to numb the nerve to my hand by going in below my collar bone.


I turned to Larry. “Okay, now I’m starting to be afraid.”

The explanation was it would reduce the amount of painkiller required. My hand would remain numb for around twelve hours, reducing the need for other medication. He also explained I would not be knocked out, but I would not remember anything—just what I wanted to hear.

He started the meds, and I was out…
As I began to wake up, I remember being aware of lots of pain—not the pain itself but of crying out. The nurse injected three or four doses of Percocet into the IV. I finally started to relax.

I was aware of Larry being there. This helped a lot.

It didn’t take too long before I felt less fuzzy-headed. Soon the nurse and Larry got me dressed.

Once I was fairly clear-headed, the nurse, Heather, explained what had been done and showed me the x-rays. She gave them to Larry.

She gave Larry a prescription and told him to get it filled. I told her I didn’t want to take the opioids. She told me to go home and eat something because she didn’t want me to take anything on an empty stomach. Just as the doctor in the ER had said, “Take one after you eat and a second before you go to bed. You need to stay ahead of the pain.”

Then she went over what I needed to do when I got home and afterward. I now sported a small splint similar to the one I’d worn in, but this one was generic vanilla and not the stylish black and pink one I’d had before.

She helped me into a wheelchair. Larry pulled the car to the front entrance, and he helped me in. We came home and ate lunch. Larry filled the prescription. I wasn’t in pain, but I took one pill as directed. I rested all afternoon. Before bed, I took another, even though I still had no pain.

I never took another one, and I never had any pain after that! A true miracle!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
We called and made the follow-up appointment for the following Monday.

Thursday, March 5, 2020
I called Victoria at Natural Nail Care and told her my fingernails had been shredded when I fell. They desperately needed attention. Also, it had been quite a while since I’d been in for a pedicure. Larry’s toenails were like claws once again, and his fingernails were a mess. I had several gift certificates, so she agreed to let us come in for his-and-hers mani-pedis. What joy! This is one of my favorite places in San Juan, and we both enjoyed seeing Victoria. My nails looked and felt much better. Larry even enjoyed being pampered, and I appreciated the way his nails looked and felt.

Friday, March 6, 2020
We went to Flick Fellowship at Community Presbyterian Church, where we discussed the film The Farewell and enjoyed a potluck supper.

Monday, March 9, 2020
We went to Dr. Moskow’s office in the afternoon. When they removed the splint and uncovered my arm, I was surprised. So was the nurse. “Wow. There is no oozing, no blood. The incision is closed. You heal really fast. We’ll take out the stitches today.”


The stitches were removed. Steri-strips were put on. No splint! The best news was I could now take a shower! Yay! They gave me a brace. It covered my thumb and went about two-thirds of the way to the elbow. What an improvement over the splints!

When we got home, our friends Scarlett and Steve arrived. Their visit had been planned long before. We adore them and always enjoy being with them. This visit was no different.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020
We decided to go to Mollie’s Café in San Juan for breakfast. Yumm! Scarlett took this photo. Note the brace and lack of sling. Note my smile. Yep, we were having fun!

They had to leave to visit her brother. We’d sure have loved to have had more time with them.

Originally, we were supposed to leave the next day for San Diego to attend the Left Coast Crime Conference. However, after my accident, we decided it might not be a great idea to try to do everything while in a hotel. (At the time, it took over half an hour for me to get a shower and dress. It didn’t make sense to try to manage at the conference and still get to our sessions, so we cancelled.) The conference started as scheduled, but the next day, the hotel cancelled, and everyone had to leave. When we heard this, we didn’t feel as bad about missing it.

In the afternoon, I taught my Stephen Ministry class at Geneva Presbyterian. It felt like things were getting back to normal.

Friday, March 13, 2020
I had my first physical therapy session. By now, people were beginning to stay apart. I went home with some exercises to do.

Since then, my hand has been getting stronger and more flexible. Every day, it feels more like normal. Still a long way to go, but making progress.

We're staying home as much as possible and enjoying a quiet time together.

Thanks to everyone who prayed for my healing, called to check on me, and sent good wishes. I have missed seeing friends, but I call and communicate by email and on Facebook.

This has been a good time to stay at home and rest and recover. It’s getting better all the time.


  1. Good news all the way around!
    Stay well.
    Blessings. Karen

    1. Thank you! A much better outcome than I could have imagined. I graduated to a smaller brace, and now I don't wear it unless I am in a place where there is a danger of falling! Feeling very blessed!

  2. You truly had a miracle. God is so good and I'm happy your are on the mend.
